World Best Practices Magazine

World Best Practices Magazine Vol.17/18, Summer/Autumn 2013

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BROAD Sustainable Building: The Real Thing
by David B. Sutton, Ph.D.

I have written before that sustainable building is really more about the process of designing, constructing and operating the resultant building than the structure itself. One Chinese building enterprise has taken this to heart and focuses directly on the most meaningful aspects of these processes.

They stand in stark contrast to…

World Best Practices Magazine January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

I am now a regular contributor to the UN quarterly, World Best Practices Magazine. How that came about is an interesting story.

My first encounter with the UNEP’s Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative was at the World Expo in Shanghai summer of 2010, I was a great fan of the BROAD Pavilion at the Expo (they assembled their pre-fabricated Pavilion in just 24…