
My New Green Transportation

My green transportation – Which One is it ?

One of the things I like about living in China is not having and needing a car.

In general, China has done a good job of providing convenient public transportation.  In fact, public transportation infrastructure of its new mega-cites are unrivaled any other place in the World.

That doesn’t mean that the vanity of the super-rich (China is the largest market of luxury cars in the World) or the image mongering rising classes aren’t wreaking havoc with the cities air by purchasing an ever-increasing  numbers of cars.  But the non-car alternative is readily available.

In rural areas, bicycles, motorcycles and an enormous number of electrical scooters and horse carts are also readily available.  But I have been feeling for a while, especially in Sanya in Yunnan that I would like to augment my frequent walking with another green mode of transportation.

I considered all sorts of things as pictured here until I finally decided on getting  a “treecycle.”(see Named after its designer and my friend, Chris Trees, it is a beautiful piece of art and engineering.

I first ordered the non-electric model but now am thinking of helping with a hybrid/solar-electric prototype.

Here is first batch of pictures, more will be posted once it is delivered.