Antaeus Goes to China

How did a fallen academic go from teaching at Stanford University to dancing and doing magic in China?

What is TAO M.A.G.I.C. ? A work in progress representing an multinational journey spanning over forty years – a journey symbolizing a cross-cultural synthesis between

some of the grand traditions of the East and West.

As a human ecologist I am convinced of the fact that everything is connected, even the seemingly disparate phases of one’s life. So it is that I can now see a flowing stream of connection between the many years of University teaching and performing magic in China, between heavy involvement in environmental activism and now dancing everywhere I can.

It all began with Antaeus. Antaeus was a mighty giant of Greek mythology who was invincible as long as he remained in touch with his mother Earth (Gaia). He was able to defeat all challengers because each time he was thrown to the ground, he rose with renewed strength. It was Hercules that conquered Antaeus by breaking the connection with his Mother (he held him over his head and broke his neck). As a graduate student it occurred to me that our culture had picked the wrong mythic hero – that Antaeus, not Hercules should represent our highest ideals and aspirations.

It was then that I formed The Antaeus Group, an assortment of similar minds to serve as the banner organization for our respective activities. Many of today’s trends threaten to sever our tie with the earth and I believed then and still do that we must, like Antaeus, seek solutions that keep us in touch with our ultimate source of strength – Mother Earth.  I used this as an umbrella organization for independent research throughout an active 25-year academic career.

My interest in Taoism also goes back to those same graduate school days. It seemed to me then and I am even more convinced now that the natural “Way” of which Lao Tzu spoke was exactly what ecologist were trying to understand with their scientific explorations — That Antaeus’ source of strength – being in touch with his Mother Earth – was about the Taoist’s “Way of being with Nature.”

As I became more and more involved in Asia, particularly China, The Antaeus Group became The Antaeus Organization (TAO) to symbolically represent this synthesis of thought. From that TAO Consulting was born as my repeated visits became virtual residency in Shanghai and I became involved in a number of consulting projects there.

I managed the marketing to the international clientele for a wine company and co-directed an innovative new English Program for business executives. For both of these endeavors I planned and conducted special events which led to doing the same throughout the city for a number different clients. I then formed M.A.G.I.C. (Multicultural Activities Generating International Community) to be the sponsoring entity for these events and have been using it as such ever since. For the past seven years, this journey has taken place primarily in China. This website is intended to be a summary of the many diverse and varied activities of this journey as I continue on the “wu wei” path in this amazing country.


Name: David Sutton

Gender: Male

Birthday: October 3










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