Recent Articles and Presentations (Continued)

“Mind Pollution” wreaks havoc on environment

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
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I am a child of the 60s – that was the time of the birth and flowering of the environmental movement in the United States. After receiving the encouragement of my environmental…

China Can Lead the World on a Soft Path

Monday, June 28, 2010

Three decades ago the brilliant physicist, Amory Lovins, argued that the United States should disengage from the vulnerable and highly wasteful dependence on fossil fuels and develop a plan to increase the efficiency of energy use and the use of renewable energy resources. (1) He further maintained that it should take a “soft path” in…

Implementation Is the Key to the Green Leap Forward

Monday, June 28, 2010

I want to commend Professor Zhu Dajian for his insightful comments in his opinion piece (Shanghai Daily, 28 December, 2009). I absolutely agree that China’s future, indeed that of the entire world, depends on its celebrated Green Leap Forward. As some one who has worked in the sustainability field for more than three…