
Much of my time lately has been spent on projects revolving around the World Expo occurring in Shanghai from May through October, 2010. Indeed the Expo site has become my second home here. I have spent an entire 14 days so far and have explored over 60 pavilions. It is truly a fascinating experience not only because of the incredible cultural diversity in behaviors, sights, sounds and tastes but also for the occasional eco-city innovation (far fewer than expected). I will soon be posting an initial installment of Expo photos and I am sure that there will be many more along with the many stories I have been collecting. But for now, I am hoping to finish up a few products soon. As a preview I am introducing the “Primer on Eco-City Innovations,” documenting notable examples sustainable design and practice at the Expo and “This is China” a guide for first time visitors to China and the Expo here.

This Is China

Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to Shanghai and the World Expo 2010. Brace yourself for the unexpected. If you are a first time visitor you are going to be shocked by the scope and the grandeur of this amazing city. Shanghai will soon show itself to you as one of the World’s great cities. As stated in the new Urbanatomy Shanghai World Expo Guide 2010, “ Shanghai is a dynamic…

Applications for Sustainable Cities

Monday, June 28, 2010

We are experiencing a potentially world-changing event. Shanghai, home to 19 million residents, the country’s largest metropolitan area, is hosting World Expo 2010, which is expected to be the biggest World Expo in history with over 150 countries and 50 International organizations sharing scientific and technological…