Joy at the Linden Centre

Tuesday, March 12, 2013. The Linden Centre has now become my home. I am officially called their resident consultant in sustainable living – which I take to mean going beyond the eco- friendly, green operations that are usually defined by the term to include the meaningful and fulfilling aspects of life and living that bring us health, happiness and joy. And it is the joyful and productive living that I have been doing with them for the past two years.

For example, I have spent the past two Christmases with my Linden family. They have an international Christmas party in the village where up to 1,000 people attend. For the past two years I have performed with the rest of staff and invited entertainers. Both years I taught the staff a line dance that we did together, I have done a magic show both years and this year even did a Xinjiang Dance piece I choreographed for me and a local partner.

Here is a brief video of Christmas 2011 and some pictures, others can be found in the Linden Centre Album.



And this year’s Christmas. Note: I have a nice video of this year’s line dance but I can not down load it for some reason, so here are some photos of it.