Culture Matters TV Show

ICS is the International TV Channel here in Shanghai. I have been on several different shows there. Culture Matters is a weekly program and my most recent on-air experience was on their program on “Sustainable Architecture.” It is on-line at: [bad link]

They insisted on having the magic — its all about entertainment not information you know. Enjoy !


Dr. Roland Winkler, project coordinator of a series initialized by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and the German Chancellor; Professor Li Xiang Ning, from the College of Architecture at Tongji University; and Mr. Chen Hann-Chiuh, an architect from Morphosis New York, will join Sammy to talk about “Sustainable Architecture”.

Special Guest Dr. David Sutton will share his ecologist’s view, and young architect, Yuval Zohar, will assist Sammy on an issue which led our live audience to an optimistic and humorous discussion.

“Sustainable Architecture”, how “far” is it from us?